It´s one thing to say I love you.
It´s another thing to not expect that "I love you" is meant truly.
All these thoughts which drift between these two understandings come back to all of us. We, who see ourselfes in the last and earliest light of day.
The ones who catch thoughts inside themselfes, who trouble themselfs and the ideas trouble their minds.
As we explore the world we learn how precious we are, more than expected. We follow independence, the search for the stars over our heads.
Those who fear drifting apart, away from their bodies and mind, they expect the world to get along without hesitation.
And as we´re blinded by the sunlight we feel our own love the most, more than in the moments of sight or speach.
By the time we read a good night story to ourself. we start to realise.
The rooftop we sleep under is optional, the hearts around our own ones are too. We realise.
We think throught. At one point, when our eyes start to close, we get lost in our own dreams
Because they´re the only way of dealing with our mind and soul.