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And after the world ended

After the world ended a new one had been born.

Inbetween you´ll find self-acceptance, hope, a strangely new reality, other worldviews you haven't noticed before, droll love you thought you´ve already known, affections for the things you never leaned into...

Maybe with 16 we all thought this would be the world and we´ve grown out of our inner ones. Because we know how it feels. Yeah... we feel.

We´re still inside, but we think we know so much more. And we apparently do. But the thing is, it´s still not the whole cake.

Surprisingly we forget very fast how we felt 6, 5, 4 years ago and we always come to the new conclusion that we know better. Every time we know better and are still as stupid as before for the next stage to grow. It´s called growing up. Not including the loss of hope because this is never nessecary.

We get to know ourselfs with every age a bit better, we learn that there are different versions of us, which want to be lived.

But we forget too easily that we are many, not only one. Even with the years we still tend to define, to hold on, to give names and shapes so we can assure that we can get a good grip of ourselfs. We dont need that grip to survive, we only do it out of comfort.

We don't have to be defined, all the humans who grow inside of us are part of our daily inspirations. If we shut them out, we shut out an important possibility.

After the world ended, we´re born.

After we´re born, our life ends with the discovery of our parents existance. Instead a part- life of our parent starts, plays another movie strip in the next hall right next to us.

As we grow up our dreams build up and get shattered with time.

Soon the movie strip next door comes to an end and we get to start a life of open possibilities.

We think this is the start of our life. Instead we build up walls, scratch surfaces and discover what others have created in our own cocoon of self-concepts.

We collect a puzzle and as soon as we put all the pieces together we realise, "our" world has ended again.

Now we start over again, wee realise a new ending, a new part of us and others. And at some point we get it, it all has to end. Only if it ends, we´re able to start all over again.

However we experience age, however we´re born, how we grow up, how we´re shattered and how we experience ourselfes, we always got that one spark of inspiration within us which gives us the possibilities to embrace the endings as well as the beginnings.

We´re made for change against our believes, we´re strechable, elastic and vivid. We´re a spektrum of possibilities, we only have to accept all of us. The within and the all- around.

The thing is, not all of us do this automatically.

The year 2020 is a different and of course difficult year for a lot of us. Parts felt widely inspired, some of us sunk into deep depressions, but in one point 2020 never dissapointed us. Change was and is constantly present.

When was it not?

We´re trying to do our best, but maybe it´s time to do more than our best and do finally something different. If change is already present we are able to learn more efficiently and with a new joy of hope. Whatever this change is in ones world view, it´s time to finally commit to it.

Now everything is possible, something has to end so something new can grow again. Doesn´t matter if violent, hard, peacefull, chaotic or strange. Now it´s time to change, change yourself and the outside, see all the potentials within this world and make the best with all of it.

It was always the time.

It´s an easy saying and of course it can be interpreted as wanted but as long as you finally do it, you´re on the right track. Put everything out of your inner gutfeelings and intuitions into this world so we can reach positive creativity.

A new spring for our minds and hearts awaits.

As it always has been.

As age preaches with every new season. Get a grip of all versions of yourself and see the world end, acknowledge the beginning.


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