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On the way

I did some stuff in the last week, but it went quite chaotic. I did all the 30 pages raw as pencil drawings, then I continued working on them with fineliner. Now I got most of the 30 finished and done, but some of them are still not fully finished with the fineliner work. These 2 on the table are a perfect example for the 4 pieces which are not done with the fineliner.

Right above these 2 ones you see the text for the following chapter. Besides the 30 pages i did a bit of a filler for the clueless and less picture featured breaks during this week. With big excitement I was creating the 2nd chapter only in words and I feel like I got a better perspective on how exactly the second chapter will be. Even the 3rd one is in progress so I´m happy to see process, it´s not allways planned but I´m still in the process and going well.

What´s else to do?

I guess I have to promote myself a bit better, since the campaign is still going and it´s half time, it is the time to put out some more promotion out there. Either getting in contact with other campaigners, work on my page and may think of something like a backerkit, searching for ways how to promote better throught kickstarter.

All in all, I guess thats the review for this week of work. But since I updated the kickstarter update, which is the same as this one, I felt a lot of other stuff which gives me headaches from time to time. Right now, it´s not that much better and i guess, I´ll take time to write another post for my blog. Giving myself some time and space to express in words, or at least to try it. It´s a mess within my heart and mind, as so often. And since I got the luxury of writing... let´s see in another post.

Stay curious about the progress of the comic!

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